® Drone Blade CFD Simulation

The CFD simulations used in this research successfully replicated the experimental data, which can significantly improve computational accuracy. The current study opens up opportunities for exploration different propeller blade configurations; reliable data sets can be collected for low levels of small scale Propellers with various Reynolds number. Numerical results are compared with available experimental data for Slow Flyer propeller blade to determine the mismatch of co-efficient of thrust, co-efficient of power and aerodynamic efficiency.

Mesh & Model Types

This research has been done using Hybrid mesh with standard k-ω-SST turbulence model. A Multiple Reference Frame model was also used to consider propeller rotation towards the local reference frame at 4000 revolutions per minute (RPM). The results shows reliable data for the co-efficient of thrust, co-efficient of power and aerodynamic efficiency for low advance ratio(AR) and for AR smaller than negative thrust conditions

Dynamic Mesh Simulation

The CFD simulations used in this study successfully replicated the experimental results, which can significantly improve computational accuracy. The current study opens up opportunities for exploration different propeller blade configurations; reliable data sets can be collected for small and high Reynolds number of propellers. Grid/mesh independent study also has been done to investigate the effects of the number of meshes over the entire domain as well as the errors and computational time required for final meshing decisions.