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The NOx formation in hydrogen-air combustion in a pulse detonation engines (PDEs) is investigated numerically and validated with experimental data. The calculations are based on axisymmetric Euler equations and a detailed combustion model consisting of 12 species and 27 reactions. A multi-level, dynamically adaptive grid is used to resolve the structure of the detonation front. The calculated NO concentrations were in good agreement with experimental measurements obtained at two operating frequencies and two equivalence ratios. Further calculations studied in detail the effects of equivalence ratio and residence time on NOx formation under ambient conditions. The results show that NOx formation in the PDE is minimized by running lean or rich mixtures and using the shortest possible detonation tubes. NOx emissions for very lean or very rich mixtures are relatively insensitive to residence time. PDE operation at near-stoichiometric equivalence ratios results in very high NOx levels. However, the NOx emission parameter drops significantly for lean or rich mixtures, reaching values comparable to those obtained with current gas turbine engines.
The Variation of fluid properties such as pressure, temparautre and velocity of wave front has been compared with the test data, we have seen that all the data are very close to the test data as shown. As well numerically simulated detonation speeds and von Neumann state conditions were shown to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical Chapman-Jouguet (C-J) values for hydrogen and ethylene fuels. The calculation of specific impulse for hydrogen-air combustion for PDEs cycles over a wide range of equivalence ratios also was in excellent agreement with experimental data given by client
The residence time of detonation wave depends on combustion tube length and also affects the NOx emissions. NOx emissions increases due to increase in tube length or residence time. however, for very lean or very rich mixtures, the rate of formation is too low so that it becomes almost insusceptibility to tube length or residence time. The parameter considerations of NOx emission for the simple pulse detonation engine cycle, operating with very lean or very rich mixtures was comparable in this study. Our main mission is to make the ADYAHA WAYS compatible cognitive Hydrogen-air combustion by enhancing through the cross-fertilization between academic & industry. As well as setting up the standards in an environment of constant & rapid technological evolution.